
Generate QR Code into the SVG using python

Learn how to generate and save a QR code in Python using the qrcode library. Customizable and versatile, QR codes are a valuable tool for businesses …

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Generate QR Code in python

Learn how to generate and save a QR code in Python using the qrcode library. Customizable and versatile, QR codes are a valuable tool for businesses …

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Send and Read Emails with Gmail API

Learn how to setup Gmail API and use to send and read email using Gmail API in python.

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Best practices working with Django models

Learn about the best practices working with Django models using python. What should be the name of the model. How to use related name with foreign ke…

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Django select_related and prefetch_related

Learn how to use select_related and prefetch_related queries in django to optimize query.

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Making Django Admin Jazzy With django-jazzmin

Django Jazzmin, intended as a drop-in app to jazz up your django admin site, with plenty of things you can easily customise, including a built-in UI …

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Model Inheritance in Django

Models inheritance works the same way as normal Python class inheritance works, the only difference is, whether we want the parent models to have the…

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Wonders of Life: Family, Friends, and Love

Explore the wonders of life with family, friends, and love. Learn how the people closest to us shape who we become. Discover the beauty of life's jou…

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Mindful Living: 6 Important Life Guidelines

Stay grounded and live your best life with these 6 important guidelines. Learn how to mind your thoughts, tongue, temper, behavior and ego.

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Google Tips for Efficient Searching

Maximize your search results with these insider tips for using Google like a pro. Find information faster and easier.

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Tasks To Automate With Python

Some tasks that you can easily automate using python script.

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Formal and Informal Words

Learn some useful formal and informal words that you can use in your daily work.

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Professional Email Sentences

Write some useful and professional email sentences that you should use in your daily email tasks.

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Important Methods in Python

Python Methods | List | Tuple | Set | Dictionary

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Multiple Node Versions in MacOS

How to use NVM to setup multiple NodeJS versions in MacOS, Mac M1

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Python Libraries & Frameworks

Python Libraries & Frameworks | Pandas, Numpy, Django, Flask, Requests, Scrapy, Requests, Matplotlib, Tensorflow, OpenCV etc

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