Built-in authentication methods


Authentication is a vital part of any web application, ensuring that users are who they claim to be. Django Rest Framework (DRF) provides several built-in authentication methods to help secure your APIs. This tutorial will cover the built-in authentication methods in DRF, including Token Authentication, Session Authentication, and Basic Authentication, along with their configurations, advantages, disadvantages, and suitable use cases.


Before you start, ensure you have a DRF project set up. If not, please refer to our previous tutorial on setting up a DRF project and configuring authentication in DRF.

Built-in Authentication Methods

1. Token Authentication

What is Token Authentication?

Token Authentication uses a token to authenticate API requests. Each user is given a unique token, which must be included in the Authorization header of each request.

When to Use Token Authentication

Token Authentication is ideal for stateless, token-based authentication systems. It is commonly used in mobile and single-page applications where sessions are not appropriate.

How to Use Token Authentication

  • Install djangorestframework and djangorestframework-simplejwt:
pip install djangorestframework djangorestframework-simplejwt
  • Update settings.py:
# myproject/settings.py


  • Configure URLs for obtaining and refreshing tokens:
# myproject/urls.py

from django.urls import path, include
from rest_framework_simplejwt.views import (

urlpatterns = [
    path('admin/', admin.site.urls),
    path('api/', include('myapp.urls')),
    path('api/token/', TokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
    path('api/token/refresh/', TokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
  • Add the IsAuthenticated permission class to your views as needed.

Advantages of Token Authentication

  • Stateless: No need to maintain server-side sessions.
  • Scalability: Suitable for distributed systems.
  • Security: Tokens can have expiration times and can be easily invalidated.

Disadvantages of Token Authentication

  • Token Management: Requires additional handling for token storage and expiration.
  • Less Secure: If a token is intercepted, it can be used until it expires.

Suitable Use Cases of Token Authentication

  • Mobile applications
  • Single-page applications (SPA)
  • Public APIs with user authentication

2. Session Authentication

What is Session Authentication?

Session Authentication uses Django’s session framework to manage authentication. It is suitable for web applications where the client is typically a web browser.

When to Use Session Authentication

Session Authentication is ideal for traditional web applications where the server manages the session state. It is useful for applications with a web front-end that can handle cookies.

How to Use Session Authentication

  • Update settings.py:
# myproject/settings.py


  • Ensure you are using Django’s session middleware in your MIDDLEWARE settings.

Advantages of Session Authentication

  • Simplicity: Easy to implement with built-in Django features.
  • Security: Session data is stored server-side, reducing the risk of interception.

Disadvantages of Session Authentication

  • Scalability: Managing sessions server-side can become challenging in distributed systems.
  • Web-Only: Suitable primarily for web applications that can handle cookies.

Suitable Use Cases of Session Authentication

  • Traditional web applications
  • Internal business applications
  • Applications with complex session management needs

3. Basic Authentication

What is Basic Authentication?

Basic Authentication uses HTTP Basic Authentication, which involves sending the user’s credentials (username and password) with each request.

When to Use Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is suitable for simple, internal APIs where security is not a primary concern. It is often used in combination with HTTPS to encrypt the credentials.

How to Use Basic Authentication

  • Update settings.py:
# myproject/settings.py



Advantages of Basic Authentication

  • Simplicity: Easy to set up and use.
  • Compatibility: Works with any HTTP client.

Disadvantages of Basic Authentication

  • Security: Credentials are sent with every request, increasing the risk of interception.
  • Not Scalable: Not suitable for large-scale applications due to security concerns.

Suitable Use Cases of Basic Authentication

  • Simple internal APIs
  • Prototyping and development environments
  • Applications over secure, private networks

4. Remote User Authentication

What is Remote User Authentication?

Remote User Authentication is useful in environments where authentication is handled by an external system, such as a proxy server.

When to Use Remote User Authentication

Remote User Authentication is ideal for applications that integrate with external authentication systems or single sign-on (SSO) solutions.

How to Use Remote User Authentication

  • Update settings.py:
# myproject/settings.py


  • Ensure you have the RemoteUserMiddleware in your MIDDLEWARE settings.

Advantages of Remote User Authentication

  • Integration: Easily integrates with external authentication systems.
  • Centralized Management: Leverages existing authentication infrastructure.

Disadvantages of Remote User Authentication

  • Complexity: Requires external system configuration.
  • Dependency: Relies on the availability and security of the external system.

Suitable Use Cases of Remote User Authentication

  • Enterprise applications with SSO
  • Applications behind reverse proxies
  • Systems requiring centralized user management

5. Custom Authentication

What is Custom Authentication?

Custom Authentication allows you to create your own authentication classes by subclassing BaseAuthentication and implementing the authenticate method.

When to Use Custom Authentication

Custom Authentication is ideal for applications with unique authentication requirements that are not met by the built-in methods.

How to Use Custom Authentication

  • Create a custom authentication class:
# myapp/authentication.py

from rest_framework.authentication import BaseAuthentication
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class CustomAuthentication(BaseAuthentication):
    def authenticate(self, request):
        username = request.META.get('HTTP_X_USERNAME')
        if not username:
            return None

            user = User.objects.get(username=username)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            raise AuthenticationFailed('No such user')

        return (user, None)
  • Update settings.py:
# myproject/settings.py



Advantages of Custom Authentication

  • Flexibility: Allows you to tailor authentication to your specific needs.
  • Control: Full control over the authentication process.

Disadvantages of Custom Authentication

  • Complexity: More complex to implement and maintain.
  • Security: Must ensure the custom method is secure and free of vulnerabilities.

Suitable Use Cases of Custom Authentication

  • Applications with non-standard authentication mechanisms
  • APIs requiring custom header-based authentication
  • Projects needing integration with proprietary authentication systems


Django Rest Framework provides several built-in authentication methods to secure your APIs. By understanding and configuring these methods, you can ensure that your APIs are protected and only accessible to authenticated users. Refer to the detailed steps above to configure each authentication method according to your project’s needs.

Tags: Built-in Authentication Methods in Django Rest Framework, DRF authentication tutorial, Token Authentication in DRF, Session Authentication in DRF, Django API security, Custom Authentication, Remote User Authentication, Basic Authentication