Inflation Trends in India (2004-2024)

Inflation is a key indicator of economic health, reflecting the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising. In India, inflation has been influenced by various factors including economic policies, global market trends, and internal demand-supply dynamics. In this blog, we will explore the trends in inflation rates in India over the past two decades, from 2004 to 2024.

Inflation Rates in India (2004-2024)

Year Inflation Rate (%) Annual Increase (%)
2004 3.78 -
2005 4.25 12.43
2006 5.80 36.47
2007 6.37 9.83
2008 8.35 31.08
2009 10.88 30.30
2010 11.99 10.20
2011 8.86 -26.11
2012 9.30 4.97
2013 10.92 17.42
2014 6.60 -39.56
2015 4.90 -25.76
2016 4.90 0.00
2017 3.30 -32.65
2018 3.90 18.18
2019 3.70 -5.13
2020 6.60 78.38
2021 5.10 -22.73
2022 6.70 31.37
2023 5.70 -14.93
2024 4.80 -15.79

Factors Influencing Inflation Rates

2004-2008: Economic Growth and Rising Demand

During this period, India’s economy was experiencing robust growth, leading to increased demand for goods and services. This heightened demand, coupled with rising global commodity prices, contributed to higher inflation rates.

2008-2009: Global Financial Crisis and Inflation Surge

The global financial crisis had a significant impact on inflation rates in India. The crisis led to supply chain disruptions and increased costs, resulting in a surge in inflation. Additionally, stimulus measures to support the economy further fueled inflationary pressures.

2010-2014: Policy Measures and Inflation Control

The Indian government and the Reserve Bank of India implemented various policy measures to control inflation. These measures included tightening monetary policy and managing supply-side factors. As a result, inflation rates started to moderate during this period.

2015-2018: Low Inflation Environment

This period saw relatively low inflation rates due to stable global commodity prices and effective domestic policies. The government focused on controlling food inflation through better supply chain management and reducing fiscal deficits.

2019-2020: Pandemic Impact and Volatility

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, leading to supply chain disruptions and volatility in inflation rates. The initial impact saw a rise in inflation due to supply constraints, followed by a moderation as demand weakened.

2021-2024: Recovery and Stabilization

Post-pandemic recovery efforts and normalization of supply chains have led to a stabilization in inflation rates. However, global uncertainties and geopolitical tensions continue to pose risks to inflation stability.


From the data presented, it is evident that inflation rates in India have experienced significant fluctuations over the years. These trends highlight the impact of various economic policies, global market conditions, and internal economic dynamics on the general price levels in the country. Understanding these trends is essential for policymakers, businesses, and consumers alike, as it helps in making informed decisions and planning for the future.


The data and analysis presented in this blog post are based on information gathered from various internet sources. While we strive to ensure accuracy, the figures and insights should be considered as part of a broader research context. This analysis is not intended to target any individual, organization, or policy. Readers are encouraged to conduct their own research and consult official sources for more precise information.

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