How to setup AWS S3 Bucket?

What is AWS S3?

  • S3 or Simple Storage Service is a fully managed(Serverless) object storage service provided by AWS.
  • S3 allows to store any type and amount of data from anywhere in the world provided you are connected with internet.
  • To store any object/data in S3, first you need to create a S3 bucket.
  • S3 Buckets are ideally container for the objects. They can store any number and amount of data.
  • S3 bucket can also be used to host static websites.

So let’s start to setup the S3 bucket.

Step1: Login to AWS Management Console

  • Sigin to the AWS Console
  • If you don’t have AWS account then first create an account


Step2: Search S3 Service

  • Click on the search bar and type > S3
  • Then click on S3 service option


Step3: Create S3 Bucket

  • If you are creating S3 bucket first time, then it will look something like this.


  • And you have already created a S3 bucket then it’ll look something like this.


  • Now click on Create Bucket

Step4: Choose bucket name

  • S3 bucket name should unique globally. No one can create the same name bucket even on the different region until the bucket will not be deleted.
  • Most probly you should name the S3 Bucket with you domain name. e.g skillshats-production or skillshats-s3-bucket*.
  • After the Bucket name, choose a region in which you would like the bucket to be created. Here I’m choosing the default one.
  • But mostly probably you should choose the region to the customer location to have optimum latency.


Step5: Create Bucket

  • After putting the name and region, let’s leave all other details to default and scroll down the page to find create Bucket button.
  • Click on Create Bucket


  • In a matter of seconds, your bucket is created and you can see the success message.
  • Also the S3 bucket that you just created.


Congratulation !!!
You have successfully created the first AWS S3 Bucket.

Learn More:

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