Advertising Best Practices

Advertising is an art that has been perfected over the years, evolving alongside modern advertising channels and new media. While there are numerous tips and tricks, these advertising best practices are fundamental techniques that still work effectively today, regardless of the medium or method you choose.

These practices include:

  1. Appeal to Emotions
  2. Create Positive Associations
  3. Establish a Bandwagon Effect
  4. Focus on Benefits Over Features
  5. Leverage Storytelling

Let’s dive into these five concepts and explore how they can help your brand and products stand out.

1. Appeal to Emotions

Emotion is one of the most powerful tools in advertising. When you appeal to emotions, you create a connection that can prompt people to take action.

Consider the unforgettable ASPCA commercial featuring Sarah McLachlan. The emotional imagery of suffering animals is hard to watch, but it tugs at our heartstrings, making viewers more likely to donate. Emotions such as empathy, hope, joy, and even fear can be used effectively to inspire action.

When crafting your advertisements, think about the emotions that align with your brand and how you can use them to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

2. Create Positive Associations

When consumers associate your product with happiness, achievement, or an accomplished goal, they’re more likely to remember it and make a purchase. Creating positive associations helps build a favorable image of your brand in the consumer’s mind.

For instance, Under Armour uses Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to create a subconscious connection between their products and his image of strength and success. His Rock Delta shoes became the fastest-selling Under Armour shoes of 2017, thanks in part to the positive association.

Coca-Cola also excels in this area. Their advertisements focus on themes of friends, family, and fun. This helps consumers think of Coca-Cola when planning events or gatherings.

To create positive associations, use storytelling or videos that evoke feelings you want your brand to be connected with. Partner with influencers who align with your brand’s core values to strengthen these associations.

3. Establish a Bandwagon Effect

People naturally want to fit in and be part of the group. The bandwagon effect plays on this desire, encouraging consumers to follow the crowd.

Maybelline leverages this concept effectively by showcasing that one tube of their top-selling mascara is sold every two seconds. This kind of social proof encourages others to buy the product simply because everyone else is doing so.

You can also establish the bandwagon effect by using customer testimonials, survey data, or shareable content. Another effective approach is promoting a referral discount, which incentivizes customers to share your brand with their friends and family, helping you grow your audience.

4. Focus on Benefits Over Features

Features and benefits are two very different things. Features describe the details of your product or service, like dimensions or ingredients. Benefits, on the other hand, explain why a consumer should buy your product and how it will positively impact their life.

Take Southwest Airlines as an example. Instead of listing the features of a Business Select ticket, Southwest focuses on the experience — the convenience and comfort that come with the purchase.

When creating your advertisements, emphasize how your product or service will benefit your customers, rather than detailing its specifications. This will inspire potential buyers to explore the features on their own.

5. Leverage Storytelling

Everyone loves a good story. Storytelling helps paint a bigger picture of a brand, allowing consumers to connect with its values and mission, not just its products.

Dove effectively uses storytelling in its campaign partnership with Operation Homefront. The videos show real stories of military families being reunited, highlighting Dove’s values without directly promoting their products. This emotional storytelling builds trust and a strong connection with viewers.

To make your advertising more effective, craft your brand’s overall story. Ads that convey a narrative about the brand being necessary, believable, and integral are the most effective for engaging and influencing consumers.

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